Coach House Geography

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No plan in sight for Haiti’s homeless? Well may be it is not quite that bad

Posted by Lindy on September 20, 2010

UN- Habitat – the same guys who are redeveloping the Kibera slums – are in there and they do have a plan!

They have a 3 stage progress towards housing redevelopment – emergency (tents and tarps) followed by transitional shelter (more about that later) to last for up to 3 years and then finally core housing, a permanent structure that can be owned by the family.

Transitional structures have a wooden frame and a metal roof and initially with tarpaulin walls – these maybe replaced later by more secure walls to turn it into a core home. But they are small – 18 square metres for a family of 5 – measure that out! But they are a whole lot better than a tent.

They are well on the way with transitional housing, although it did not arrive in times for the wet season for many


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