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Archive for the ‘Kibera’ Category

Did you wonder why training was mentioned in Kibera?

Posted by Lindy on April 23, 2010

Do read this article. It explains exactly why training on hand- washing is needed! I guess that when your situation is bad and you can do nothing about it, then it gives you more peace of mind to deny the problem exists. But this really takes the biscuit .

But it also shows how little the Kenyan government is trying to improve things. No fresh water and no electricity in a government health clinic 7km from the centre of the capital? I mean, get your act together guys!

Posted in Development, IGCSE, Kibera, Water | 1 Comment »

Slum Cooker Protects Environment, Helps Poor

Posted by Lindy on April 6, 2009

kenya-cookerThis cooker is a community resource which will burn the rubbish, save the forest and provide hot water for slum dwellers and people on refugee camps. This one has been set up inĀ  Kibera in Nairobi in Kenya. It has taken a long time to design a cooker that will turn at a high enough temperature to break down the toxins.

Now the Kenyan Red Cross is preparing to install similar cookers in the Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps near the Somali border, where cholera has already broken out this year, and at least one European aid organisation is looking at wide deployment.

Juma Ochieng of the Red Cross told Reuters the Community Cooker had benefits for health, sanitation and conservation, and would create employment for young people working to build and maintain the stoves.

To see more look here

Posted in Appropriate technology, Kibera, Recycling, Sustainability, Y9 | Leave a Comment »